We place a great deal of emphasis on the cleanliness of our schools.
It is paramount that children learn eco-friendly habits that teach them how to be environmentally conscious and also eco-healthy.
At The Wonder Years Academy we implemented a "Go Green" initiative. As a result we have met strict environmental standards and have earned a certification as an Eco-Friendly Child Care.
Keeping the environment sanitized and disinfected is important! We have some definitive procedures in place to ensure cleanliness.
Our staff is required to adhere to all sanitary measures. Toys and cribs are disinfected every night. After each diaper change, the changing table is disinfected thoroughly.
At The Wonder Years Academy, we'll ensure that each infant has own crib, sheets, and blankets. Along with the individual cribs, an infant has two individual cubbies. One cubby is used strictly for diapering supplies such as diapers, wipes, and ointments. The second one is used for all the food supplies such as puffs, oatmeal, formula, and jarred food items.
In addition to the two cubbies, the infants have their individualized bin for spare changes of clothes.
At the end of the day, you will receive your infant’s daily sheet. This form will tell you all about your little one’s day. Our infant teachers have many years of experience and they co-teach in a warm, loving, and nurturing environment.